Frequently Asked Questions about our Course
We have compiled the most frequently asked questions from students considering registration. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us so that we can help you personally.
How often is the Customs Broker exam given and how do I sign up?
The US Customs and Border Protection Service offers the exam twice a year. The exam is supposed to be held the fourth Wednesday of April and October each year. In order to take the exam you must submit an application online at least 30 days before the exam. We will notify our students of the link to sign up. CBP charges a $390.00 fee to take the exam.
What is the exam like?
The exam normally consists of 80 multiple choice questions which must be answered within 4.5 hours. The CBP Broker Exam has always been an open book exam and you can take any written materials you want to the exam. This makes our study guide / exam guide and reference materials the most valuable tools you can find to help you through the test. The exam is administered on a computer. The test is now administered by a private testing company. My course provides the ability to take past exams at our online test center. (This is an awesome tool)
How is your Customs Broker Exam Prep Course structured?
The basic study plan follows: Watch video lecture, read chapter in our study guide, review regulations, practice e-flash cards, complete past exam questions in our online test center. REPEAT with the next chapter. Each student is left in the system for two test cycles. (Live seminar students attend the seminar they sign up for, they do not get to attend a second live seminar for free)
When does your course start?
The course starts when you are ready to start. You will have immediate access to the online tools and materials. And, I will start you on an email homework/assignment series the first Monday after your registration. It is never too soon to start.
What are the differences between the study options?
The only difference between our two study program options is the live seminar. Each student receives the same materials and same access to all of our online tools. I am a big fan of the live seminar as the face-to-face communication proves to be an invaluable resource. You can upgrade to the three day live seminar at any time, unless the seminar fills up, for just the cost difference between the programs, $355.00.
What written materials are included with my purchase?
Each student will receive our Exam Guide and Study Manual. This is a 30 chapter book. The exam guide also includes ACE Documents and DIRECTIVES to be tested by CBP, sample forms and list of CBP forms, Vocabulary, Trade Program Comparison Chart, past exam statistical breakdown by CFR and chapter. This will be your bible when you take the exam. You can use this resource during the exam.
Additionally, each student has access to our student website with our video lecture library, online test center, e-flash cards, class notes, announcements and updates. Not only do you have a lecture and chapter explaining the topic, we have organized over 1000 previous exam questions with explanatory notes that you can immediately access to understand how CBP tests a particular topic. This allows you to concentrate on one area without having to take the time to search through previous exams for the information.
What other materials do I need for the course?
You will need the Customs Regulations (19 CFR ) and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. You can download a PDF for free right here at our Free Downloads. But, you may decide you want a hard copy of the regulations for the exam.
CBP is providing an electronic version of the HTS at the exam computer terminal. You will need to decide if you want use the exam version or buy a hard copy.
We have a great study version of the CBP Regulations (19 CFR complete) for $225, please check it out under our "products" tab or on our homepage.
We also sell the The Harmonized Tariff Schedule if you want a hard copy rather than an electronic copy.
Feel free to call me if you have questions, I am on top of it!
How much does it cost and how do I register for your study packages?
The Internet learning package is $695.00. The Live seminar package is $1050.00. You can purchase and register online, simply choose the package you want and click add to cart. You can pay via credit card or debit card. If you want to use a company check just call me to do so: (512-441-9757). All materials will normally be shipped no later than the first business day after payment and registration receipt. You will receive a confirmation e-mail at time of payment and we will follow up with student login information.
Can I contact the instructor?
OF COURSE! I urge you to contact me - Tom O'Leary by e-mail or phone anytime you have a question. If your question needs more attention than just an e-mail, we will address the issue by telephone. That is part of The Customs Broker Exam Prep Course's agreement with each student, and part of what makes this an outstanding program.
How long can I use the Students Help Page?
We keep each student in our system for two test cycles. So, for example if you sign up in July we give you the October and following April test dates for updates and study purposes.
What guarantees can you give me?
The truth is - there is no guarantee because the test is difficult. You will get the best materials and courseware available. I absolutely believe we are the leader compared to other test prep courses. We constantly work to keep our materials updated to reflect the latest areas tested by CBP. And, our online test center is truly awesome. I am not aware of anyone that has the same online test center that looks and functions like the real exam other then me. Please look at our student success comments.... they represent the best guarantee available. I have Over 350 student survey results from Survey Monkey…with a 4.9 rating out 5 … I think I am doing something right.
As always, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or by calling 512-441-9757 if you have any questions. We hope to hear from you soon!